My Story

Sunday, April 3, 2016

22 Minute Hard Corps - Week 2 Progress

2 Week of HardCorps == What are my thoughts?? 
I am down 3 lbs and I feel fantastic! 

So there I was...not feeling 100% just came off of the Beachbody Cruise and I was READY to do this.. My Mind was in the Right Place -- It was GO TIME! 

This is a Mental Challenge.
Its up to you to DIG DEEP and trust the process and Believe in yourself in order to have success. Oh it helps if you have Support and Accountability as well. These have been and still are today the main reasons for my success. 

To be honest when this program was first talked about, I wasn't super excited about it. I'm just not a big fan of cardio and ok lets face it, yes the idea of a Boot Camp style workout did intimidate me a bit..  But if you dont try it how do you know if you will like it or not?? 

I dont just work out for the Physical Aspects of it .....
I work out for the Mental Clarity that it brings to my life as well 

It been Challenging and Fun. 
I have been focusing on weights for awhile now so this is really a nice change up for me. I am enjoying the boot camp style.. 


I like how Tony pushes you to follow the cadence. Some of the moves I still can't keep up but that is what pushes me each day to be better. By the time I finish the program my goal is to be able to do each exercise to his cadence. 

I started this program coming off of a stretch of not being 100% Committed to myself. I jumped in with both feet and have been hitting it hard!

Has my nutrition been perfect - NO but it has been on point better than it has been in a long time... The key is in the PLAN.. I have to know what it is that I am going to eat each day. I post it on the refrigerator and it makes it simple for me to grab and go. It is the only way that I stay on track.. I have tried to wing it and it just gets me into trouble. 

I am feeling GOOD Again, and I can tell that my body is already changing... 
I am much more focused this time around and it is paying off. We can do hard things. You have to ask yourself that tough question.

You’ll definitely be eating good food on the 22 Min Hard Corp meal plan! The idea is not to eat less, it’s to EAT BETTER. Whole foods your body knows how to digest and utilize for energy.

It took me a long time to figure out how to eat properly.
Starvation is not the answer, that will only ruin your body. 
You really need to focus on what food you are fueling your body with. 
Portion sizes can also play a big role. 

I look for food that is family friendly. Trust me I dont have time to be making everyone separate meals so I choose simple and easy. This doesn't have to be difficult. I love that there is so much focus on the NUTRITION PLAN and I have come to the realization that this is what is key to getting results.  This is where I tend to slip up the most. The 22 Minute Hard Corps Ration Plan lays it all out there - All you need to do it be willing to follow it ! It works wonders!! 

I have stepped up my game here. I have a goal of a gallon a day for myself. Some days I didn't get the entire gallon in but I came really close.. When I keep myself hydrated with lots of water I see a big difference in my results and how I feel. 

While this is a challenging program - It is only 22 minutes, and if you dialed in the Nutrition Plan - you can get some AWESOME RESULTS! 

I run challenge groups every month for moms, busy women who are looking for some tips, accountability and support to achieve the results that they are looking for. 

Just fill out the application below or send me a message for more information !! 

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