My Story

Friday, August 29, 2014

Staying on Track for the Holiday Weekend !

Staying on Track for the Holiday Weekend

So today starts the Memorial Holiday Weekend!!  I am excited to go to the lake with my family to wrap up another great summer, however I know that this brings many temptations towards some bad choices, I don’t want to fall back into my bad habits. I work too hard during the week to undo the progress that I have made.  Who wants to constantly take 2 steps forward and one step back? NOT ME, not anymore!!  I don’t have time to try out-exercise a bad diet. So what will I do?? Here are some tips to stay the course!!

1.    KEEP MOVING – The weekends are a time to RELAX – NOT NECESSARILY, keep those exercise dates that you made with yourself not just during the week but carry them through to the weekend. I don’t always stick to my specific plan but I love to use the opportunity to take in the outdoors going on long walks/runs with my pooch and my nieces when they join me. This will help you stay motivated and on track. It will also keep your metabolism in check and working up to par thru the holiday festivities. I try to get it done first thing in the morning so the rest of the day is free’d up to spend hanging out with the family.

 2.    PLAN AHEAD : It is easy to pack for convenience (chips and packaged foods), but take a few extra minutes to make it fresh !! I’ve made my list and pre prepped some foods. I have a bunch of fruits and vegetables to cut up to take out on the boat and have for snacks.  I know that I am going to want a sweet treat so I have made some CLEAN brownies to take so that I don’t snack on something that I shouldn't.  The better you plan your meals and snacks, the more successful you will be to stay the course.  

3.    MODERATION: I know that self-control can be hard when you are surrounded by mouthwatering delicious looking foods. Think about Portion Control! The AMOUNT is actually MORE IMPORTANT than what you actually CHOOSE so if you must indulge in less than nutritious food sources, enjoy reasonable amounts and avoid going back for seconds. OR Try the three bite rule: take 3 bites of whatever it is you're eating, and then wait 5 minutes. If you still want more, have three more bites. If you are just eating for the sake of eating, then the 5 minutes might be all you need to break that cycle.

4.    STAY FOCUSEDRemember all the reasons that brought you to the decision to start eating right and working hard to achieve your goals. Is the plate of nachos or the cookies that are out worth taking that step backwards?  In some cases, your answer might be yes. But don't let it become a habit, or rework will become a habit too... and you will find yourself stuck in a vicious cycle of  2 steps forward and 1 step back? Be mindful of your choices, it is OK to splurge every now and again, but stay true to your goals.

      5.    GET SOME ZZZZZZZ’s I tend to stay up way too late on the weekends, and this can lead to some negative impacts. Unfortunately, much like alcohol lowers your inhibitions when it comes to late night snacking and making poor food choices, lack of sleep can do the same! When you're overtired or sleep deprived, your body isn't producing enough of the hunger-blocking hormone, leptin to counteract the hunger hormone, ghrelin. This means that you're more likely to confuse your lack of sleep for hunger and then reach for a bag of Doritos. For the love of god, get some rest!

      6.    HYDRATE /Especially WITH COCKTAILS: Drinking alcohol is definitely a social thing that we all love to do on the weekends!  Unfortunately, it is not easy on the waistline!  Alcohol is full of empty calories and sugar.  It will sabotage your weight loss in no time at all!  When you drink you are also more likely to over eat because your guard is down and you’re not thinking clearly!  So if you must have a drink then I tell you that you MUST have 1 glass of water for every alcoholic drink!  That way you will at least stay well hydrated!!

Whatever your plans may be this weekend, remember this. This is a lifestyle, not a diet. Choose healthy, use portion control, and keep your eye on the prize and you can't go wrong. 

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