My Story

Monday, September 12, 2016

Chocolate Chia Pudding with Fruit

These little Chia Seeds that pack a big punch nutritionally remind me of Chocolate Tapioca pudding that my grandma used to make !! She would make this big huge pot and we would all stand in the kitchen with our bowls waiting for her to let us know when it was done.. See in our house it was best HOT right off the stove!!
It seemed so rare as most people knew Tapioca as white -- Not sure if my grandma invented her own recipe or not but all I do know is that my entire family loved it !!
Over the years I have tried to reproduce it -- Many batches tossed in the garbage !!
So here we are today and these little Chia seeds are being talked about... Hmmmm I think that its time to give it a try again and so I did !! It was really good!!
Serves 6 (1/4 cup each)

  • 2 1/2 Cups  Unsweetened almond milk
  • 1/2 Cup Chia Seeds
  • 6  Tbsp. Organic Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
  • 2 Tbsp. Pure Maple Syrup
  • 2 tsp. Pure Vanilla Extract
  • 1/4 tsp. Himalayan Salt
  • 3 cups chopped fruit (I used blueberries)
It can be topped with Chopped Banana, fresh blueberries, fresh strawberries, fresh raspberries, chopped kiwi fruit or chopped pear.
NOTE: It was a little bit bitter to me -- So you could add additional maple syrup to sweeten. Since mine was already made -- I added a tsp of Almond Butter to it and it did the trick !!

1. Combine the almond milk, chia seeds, cocoa powder, maple syrup, extract and salt in a large bowl; whisk vigorously for 2 minutes, or until cocoa powder is incorporated and pudding is well blended.
2. Let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes; mix well.
3. Divide evenly into 6 small bowls ( I used little mason jars) and top each serving with 1/2 cup of fruit.

Another Note: I wanted mine to taste like my grandmas so I warm mine up before eating - then I top with fruit...

21 day Fix  - 1 Yellow, 1 Purple, 1/2 Orange, 1 Spoon (if you add the extra Almond Butter)

Source: Fixate Cookbook

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