My Story

Monday, October 3, 2016

FREE - 7 Day Clean Eating Crock Pot Meals

Can you Smell what that Crock is Cooking? 

It feels like summer just ended, but I can feel the air changing... Its time for Comfort food !! My absolute favorite time of the year to cook is the FALL !! I love all the casseroles and Chili's and hot food that warms your belly !! 

Lets face it - I dont care if your young, or old with children or without.. We are all BUSY!! 
I think that most of us strive to eat healthy but many times we are faced with what is convenient !! 

Its TIME TO PULL OUT THE CROCK POT !! It can be your best friend. As long as you have an idea of what you want to make --- It makes cooking easy! I even started prepping in the evening and putting the crock pot in the fridge overnight.. In the morning I just have to turn it on !! 

Starting on October 10th Im hosting a FREE - Can you Smell what the Crock is Cooking group! I will share with you some of my favorite Health and delicious Crock Pot Recipes for a week ! 

So join me for 7 days of Clean Eating Crock Pot Meals!! 

If you would like to join, its super simple !! Just RSVP HERE

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