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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

5 Tips to Detox after Halloween Candy Binge

Candy corn… Kit Kat… Snickers… 3 Musketeers… M&Ms… Reese’s… Twizzlers… Skittles… Starburst… Butterfinger… Hershey’s… Milky Way...

What do these all have in common? You got it - they are all candy! It’s the day after Halloween and if you’re like most folks you may be feeling the after effects of the SUGAR COMA!! All of a sudden you have the urge to get back on track!! You feel like CRAP from the sugar overload, your tired and sluggish, and a little bit guilty.... 
What can all that sugar do for you ?? It has more consequences than benefits.. such as tooth decay, elevated blood lipids, increased weight gain, and increased risk for heart disease, hypertension, and type II diabetes. Nobody wants that so why not try out these simple strategies to reduce sugar intake and improve your health and nutrition:
Detox Plan : 

1. Drink more water: Make water consumption a priority the day after your Halloween festivities; not only will it help flush out all those indulgent decisions , but it'll give you more energy to tackle the day. Water Tip: Shoot to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water per day. If you struggle with water, try adding a little flavor with this great recipe -  Body Flush and Detox Water

2. Break the sugar addiction: Eating a lot of sugar will only make you crave it more. I know its a terrible thing right.. AND the problem is, once you get off track it can be hard to reel yourself back in. If your looking at cutting those cravings why not give the 3 Day Refresh a try ?  I mean, who doesn’t want to rid their body of toxins, lose weight, have more energy, eliminate sugar and carb cravings, and even discover a deeper connection to ones’ self? And dont forget, the best way to kick the sugar habit is to load up on lots of fresh fruits and veggies. 

3. DONATE that Evil bowl of  Goodness: The point is -- GET IT OUT OF THE HOUSE... You may be strong right now but trust me.... those temptaions will set in... Take some to work, and there is always that great option of supporting our Troops!  Create a care package for those that serve for our Country - Candy for our HEROES - Operation Gratitude

4. Get up and Get out -  Get your metabolism going — and sweat out all the bad stuff — with an intense workout; go for a walk or check out a workout on Beachbody On Demand..   If your looking to punch and kick those Sugar Bugs out of your system then you have to check out Core De ForceDid you know that ACCOUNTABILITY is the key to Success? Having an Accountability Community to check into is where its at!! Are you plugged into one?  

Accountability  truly is key to success.  I can tell you that my customers are back on track today, drinking their water and I’m giving them tips to stay on track in our closed accountability and support group.  I believe that having a community of support around you is the very best thing you can do for yourself and for others.  Are you plugged in?  If not visit my Testimonials page to see what others think of the community or message me for upcoming groups

5. Finally, don’t stress over the Halloween binge.
One bad day is not the end of the world, nor will it harm your health in a serious way. What you eat on a weekly basis is more important. Use these tips to cut back on sugar and focus on including extra fruits and vegetables. The focus on healthy eating will have you feeling energized in no time!

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