Progress Not Perfection - My Journey
My journey goes way back -- all the way back to VHS actually. That is where it all started with me and Beachbody. I have probably tried almost every workout program that they out put out. Each time thinking that something was going to be different, this one was going to work better.
It wasn't until just over a year ago that my health started to decline, well actually for a few years I just didn't feel right, I was tired all the time, had put on some weight and I would yo-yo back and forth a few pounds but never could really lose anything substantial. I would stick to my workout program for a few weeks at a time until something threw me off track. I ate pretty good but then would just blow it on the weekends. Everytime I did lose a few pounds I would reward myself by having some extra cheats, which all led me back to the same place.. BACK TO SQUARE ONE.
I have done every diet, taken pills, tried all the QUICK FIXES and none of it was working not to any great length anyway. So last August I decided enough was enough, I had the programs I was going to try one of these Challenge Groups. I can tell you that my life has completely and FOREVER CHANGED from this experience. I was scared, nervous, but what did i have to lose? I decided to give it my all, and I am so glad that I did because I finally found the secret sauce !!
How did I do it? Well when I look back at the last year, it really wasn't all that hard. In order to be successful i had to find a system that was going to have to I typically had to make some MODIFICATIONS. There is NOTHING that I have totally given up. Anyone that knows me, knows that I am a social person and my husband and I like to go out and have fun. We enjoy sporting events, dinners out with friends, we have a boat that we enjoy over the summer. Well with a lot of socializing comes cocktails. My first modification was to change from being a Beer Drinking Girl to one that now enjoys vodka and soda/lacroix water. I also love my sweets - no way could I give that up completely. Modification number 2 - I searched our wonderful internet and found some fantastic recipes that had easily satisfied my sweet tooth. I typically have something on hand in my fridge at all times. Modificaiton 3 - I didn't really enjoy working out. Actually I didn't mind it, but i found myself being caught up in the whole timing aspect of it.. I couldn't find an HOUR a day to workout. Being a mom of 3 kids that are all full blown into sports and activities and working, it was tough. That was the thing that I would blow off after a day at work. Oh I will do it tomorrow, REPEAT, tomorrow turned into next week. Beachbody, over the last few years has really focused on our TIME and put together programs that will get you great results in 30 minutes a day. This was a GAME CHANGER for me. T25 came out and I told myself, really if you can't give it 25 minutes a day you have a problem. That is soooo doable.
So there I was a newby in my challenge group with my T25 ready to take it all on. There was a daily motivational post, you had to check in each day. You had to be accountable, I never had that before, I thought that I could do it on my own but I always feel off that wagon and it took me to long to get back up. NOW the difference is I might fall off but I am immediately back on my game plan again. Everyone was working out in the morning. OH no way I am not a morning person, but if I waited until after work , i usually was not as successful and would be really crabby and tired by then. I gave it a try and it took some getting used to but now I do it early and get it out of the way. I learned all about clean eating and portion control. So many people think that you can out exercise, a bad diet - SORRY you CAN'T. I tried for years and NOPE was not successful. It really all happens in the kitchen and the minute you realize that is truly when success will start to show.
All in all what I really want to share is that, I didnt get where I am today overnight. It took some work and dedication on my part. I had to make some lifestyle changes. Don't compare yourself to others. I took the slow and steady approach. I started this journey because I was tired of being tired and I wanted to feel comfortable in my own skin again. There were ups and downs along the way. Was I perfect- No, did I ever eat more than my allotted cheat meal, hell ya. Did I workout each planned day (pretty darn close). I enjoyed myself along the way, I had a plan, focus and drive to get me where I wanted to be. I am over 40 years old, I am in the best shape of my life, I feel better than I have felt in years, I have lowered my cholesterol 56 points & my doctor said that I am a poster child of health. My journey is just beginning, now I want to shift gears and reach as many people as I can to help them with their health and fitness goals. I want to pay it forward !! Its all about PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION!
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