Halloween is HERE !! So what on earth are you going to do to get through this upcoming weekend. Trick or treating, parties, bon fires !! Every event you attend will be packed with Candy and Sweet Treats! This can be a very SCARY time for some !! I know that I have to be really careful on the choices I make.. Those little snack size bars can wreak havoc !! Just becuase they are small don't let them fool you. One small bar can lead to half a bowl. One of these, One of those --YIKES !!
1. DO NOT purchase your favorite candy -- now that is just silly, you know that before the day hits you will be tempted to reach in and have one, and if there are any left over you will hate to see them go to waste, so you will again tell yourself to have just one. WHY torture yourself like that , just dont allow it into the house.
2. EXERCISE -- No Negotiating on this one !! I know that we are planning a bon fire with the neighbors, I need to make sure to stick to my workout plan , I may even double up becuase I know that I will be having a few cocktails and maybe some appetizers in the evening. It will be a day of Shakology for breakfast and lunch, some low carb healthy snacks and our anual Chili for dinner. By making sure I am eating to plan during the day, its OK that I have a cheat in the evening. This is only one meal, I have not let myself go the entire day or week. This is the key to success. Everything in moderation and don't skip a workout EVER on a cheat day! DEAL!!!
3.Healthy Alternatives - I have really been enjoying finding healthier versions of the foods that I love !! From comfort foods to desserts you can have it all !! Some of my favorites are :
2. Pumpkin granola bars - pumpkin-chocolate-granola-bars.html
3. Buffalo Chicken Chili - buffalo-chicken-chili.html
4. Chicken Pot Pie - chicken-pot-pie.html
5. Blondies - choc-chip-blonde.html
If you want to change you are going to have to give up a little to get a lot of good!
Get that extra accountability! Join an accountability group to keep yourself on track through the holidays and load up on lots of tips that will leave you ready to CRUSH your health and fitness goals. Get your focus NOW so that you can be ready for Thanksgiving with a brand new approcah to staying on track.
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